Santiago, Chile

It´s our last night in Santiago.
There really isn´t much to report from here. It´s quite a large city with great unrealised potential.
Sadly we didn´t get out of the city to see some of the amazing countryside - perhaps next time when I come back to head south to Antartica in 2010.
Having difficulty downloading pics - so for those visually biased you´ll have to wait.
We depart in the morning for Quito, our gateway to the Galapagos Islands - there will be plenty to report from there and plenty of pics.
We did manage to make our pilgrimage to Cerro San Christbal to meet the Our Lady of the Imaculate Conception. If she can see through the smog she keeps an eye on the city from her perch atop the hill.
Given the atmospheric conditions in Santiago, everyone could get away with murder right under her nose!
Stand by.